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2022-03-18 CANMAKE QUICK LASH CURLER x 速捲持久睫毛液


♡ 睫毛膏基底:先以睫毛夾夾翹睫毛後使用本產品,可維持數小時捲翹度。
♡ 睫毛膏:作為防水睫毛膏,輕鬆刷出美麗捲翹的睫毛弧度。
♡ 睫毛膏雨衣:於一般睫毛膏後使用,使下垂的睫毛回復捲翹。 預防睫毛膏纖維脫落,沾染眼周區域。

● 油性基底配方比水還輕盈,不增加睫毛重量,維持捲翹睫毛。
● 優異的防水特性對抗汗水,淚水與溼氣,即使油性肌也不怕暈染。
● 含矽油與矽彈性體,即使粉狀成分也能呈現絲質滑順的質地。 雙刷頭設計
● 短刷頭拉提睫毛,長刷頭能掌握睫毛使其根根分明
● 再短小、頑固往下生長的睫毛也能有效使其捲翹!

Just one coat is all it takes to boost lashes that have started to lose their curl during the day! Revive the curl and keep your eyes looking big and bright!

Superb curl-maintenance effect for brighter eyes

Just apply over your usual mascara to create a long-lasting curl that could normally only be achieved with an eyelash curler.
Instantly prevents smudging due to water, tears and oil!

Choose from the following 3 ways of applying this product
1, To freshen up your makeup Instantly boosts lashes that have started to lose their curl during the day! Maintains a long-lasting curl.
2, As a top coat Use after your usual mascara to give lashes a long-lasting boost.
3, As a clear mascara Use alone as a clear mascara for beautiful, natural-looking lashes with a long-lasting extra curl.

Special double-sided comb
The short side quickly lifts lashes, while the long side carefully separates them. Effectively catches and boosts the curl of all lashes, no matter how short or downward-facing they may be.

Forms long lashes to create bright-looking eyes that will really make an impact. 

What's the appeal of Quick Lash Curler?

Humidity-resistant to keep lashes curled »

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